Ring Ouzel

Turdus torquatus
© Copyright: Jan-Erik Bruun
© Copyright: Jari Peltomäki, finnature.fi, Mervi Wahlroos, M. & W. von Wright: Svenska fåglar (Kansalliskirjasto, The National Library of Finland)
    • Appearance

      A dark-coloured thrush, similar to Blackbird but is more slender and has a longer neck and narrower wings. White or pale crescent-shaped patch on breast distinctive. Wing and wing covert feathers have pale edges.

    • Size

      Length 24–27 cm, weight 85–120 g.

    • Nest

      On rocky cliffs. Made of moss, dry leaves and grass.

    • Breeding

      3–6 eggs laid in June, incubated mainly by female for 12–14 days. Fledglings leave nest within 14–16 days.

    • Occurrence

      Scarce breeder on the open fells of northernmost Finnish Lapland. Finnish breeding population estimated at 50–150 pairs. May be seen in small numbers on spring and autumn migration, especially in Western Finland.

    • Migration

      Mainly by night. Flies south September–November, returning April–May. Winters around the Mediterranean.

    • Diet

      Invertebrates, berries, seeds.

    • Calls

      A loud clicking “jek jek”, song includes series of three loud whistles and tails off with a chirpy chatter, similarly to the song of the Redwing.

    • Endangerment

      Vulnerable, protected in Finland. European red list status (also globally) Least concern.

    Ring Ouzels generally resemble Blackbirds, but they are a little more slender and have longer necks and narrower wings. Males’ plumage is mainly black (though pale scaly patterning is visible on birds seen at close quarters) except for a striking white crescent-shaped patch on their breasts, and pale greyish edges to their wing feathers and wing covert feathers. Females are dark brown in colouring with the scale-like paler patterning of the edges of their feathers more prominent than on males, but only a less prominent pale crescent-shaped breast patch. Ring Ouzels have brown legs, yellow beaks with varying degrees of brown colouring on the tip and upper mandible, and dark brown irises.