Brook stickleback

Culaea inconstans
© Copyright: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Lauri Urho
    • Other names

      Five-spined stickleback

    • Similar species

      nine-spined stickleback, three-spined stickleback

    • Size

      3–5 cm.

    • Appearance

      Like other members of the family, the brook stickleback has a body tapering to a slim caudal peduncle and fan-shaped tail. Closely resembles the nine-spined stickleback but has only five, sometimes six, dorsal spines. Also lacks lateral bony plates.

    • Colouring

      Outside the spawning season the overall colour is greyish or olive green with indistinct mottling. Spawning males are almost black, females show dark and light patches.

    • Reproduction

      Eggs laid in June-July in shallow weedy water. The male builds a nest out of bits of vegetation and entices females in to spawn. Having fertilised the eggs, he stays to fan them with oxygenated water until, after about a week, the fry hatch. He continues to guard his progeny until they are able to fend for themselves.

    • Food

      Plankton and small bottom-living organisms.

    • Distribution and habitat

      The brook stickleback originates from North America. It arrived in Finland by accident along with young bass imported for a fish farm. The bass never became established in Finland, but the stowaways remained and have since found their way in the company of carp introduced into a small lake in Vihti just north of Helsinki. Brook sticklebacks are also thought to have escaped from the fish farm into nearby Lake Lohjanjärvi.